Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's been a while...

I've neglected to post in a while due to the busy-ness of recent days. That's going to happen from time-to-time, or perhaps - often. Well, here's some highlights from the "silent period".

A few weeks ago, we had a week of meetings with Evangelist John R. VanGelderen at our church. What a blessing to see the wind of the Spirit of God sweep through our church family. Many, many people experienced spiritual revival (life again)...myself included. Eyes were opened to truly understand that besetting sins are not unavoidable in this life; that the death of our "old man" is a Scriptural fact, no matter how we feel; that the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit is accessible by faith; that when God's people are revived, souls are harvested; that the fields are "ready" for harvest - we can expect to do more than plant and water. Souls were saved, relationships were made right; restitution was sought and the Gospel was shared. And now, we are learning about lasting revival in our Sunday School class - daily dying to self and surrender to the Holy Spirit's power by faith. Pray that revival remains ongoing here and continues to spread! There's only one problem with the great revivals of history - the end date.

Last night, I was privileged to attend the homegoing service of a great servant of God - Grant G. Rice. An ordinary man in and of himself; tool & die man, salesman of insurance, real estate and business equipment, navy veteran. An extraordinary man due to his surrender to the truth of God's Word and the working of the Holy Spirit's power in and through his life. Grant left the business world and became a full-time Church Planter for over the past 50 years. Many fundamental baptist churches in Wisconsin and other states owe a debt of gratitude to his faithful service. I believe two of the churches that I have personally belonged to were started by Grant through home Bible studies including my current church, Bible Baptist in Beaver Dam. It makes me think how selfish and feeble the excuse is, "I'm only one person, what can I do?", that is used time and time again. Grant was one ordinary man who understood that it wasn't about him or his ability. It 's about the Heavenly Father's will, the Son's redeeming grace and the Holy Spirit's indwelling power. A lump of clay yielding to the Potter's shaping and use. May I and others seek to fill the big shoes Grant Rice has walked in.


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